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  • New students cheer John Elder Robison and other speakers during Fall 2019 convocation

    “Neurodiversity is who we are,” Robison told new Landmark College students and families.

  • LC research scientist interviewed by Education Talk Radio

    Center for Neurodiversity steering group member and LCIRT research scientist Chris Wenz discussed the growing social justice movement among the disabilty community with Larry Jacobs, host of Education Talk Radio and publisher of Accessibility, Compliance & Equity in Higher Education.

  • Nicholas Rummell

    Nicholas Rummell

  • Leaving Eretsha village

    Saying goodbye to our Eretsha friends

  • Tsodilo Hills

    Tsodilo Hills is a UNESCO world heritage site in Botswana

  • ADHD

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), also known as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), ADHD inattentive, or attention disorder, is defined by the NCLD as: A condition characterized by symptoms that include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. But not all of these need to be present for a person to be diagnosed with ADHD. People…

  • Students engaged in the community and in their studies

    Students had a chance to engage with the village members during a drumming/dance performance as well as during a visit to the school. Then we had one last game drive in the Delta.

  • Ruth Wilmot and Christie Herbert

    This past spring, we established the Ruth Wilmot and Christie Herbert Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship to honor the heart of what has made LC meaningful to us. We both came to this area by way of a graduate program and affiliation with the School for International Training, and then to…

  • Alaska

    Apply Now! Program at a Glance Program Map Program Leaders Academic Director: Ralph Waldo Emerson Program Director: John Muir Special Considerations: Free Time/Independence: Variable Physical Demands: High Transitions: Moderate Stimuli: High Dates July 5 – 24, 2020 Program Overview Primary goal: to learn about the people, places, and natural features…

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